My ASD Child
Education & Support for Parents of Children & Teens on the Autism Spectrum
I need to find someone to evaluate my daughter for Aspergers...
Question I need to find someone to evaluate my daughter for Aspergers. She is 5 and 3/4. Previous evaluations have missed the issues tha...
Advocating for Your Teenager on the Autism Spectrum
Question "My child [high functioning autistic] is 16 and I feel there are times when I will be advocating for him when he shoul...
Helping Children with ASD to Manage Time
Question "I have an 16-year-old child with ASD [level 1]. He is an excellent student now that he is doing his high school online ...
Are there any medications or techniques to address the zoning out??
Question "I have a 9 year old son who was mildly diagnosed with Autism [level 1] when he was in second grade. He is very socia...
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