
When Aspergers Runs In The Family

Aspergers (high functioning autism) is often an invisible disability. Because it is so subtle, it can go undetected. It is very likely that there many people on the spectrum living and working in your community who are undiagnosed.

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Anonymous said...

So true, I believe my AS daughters dad has AS... I also see traits in my brother and my dad... When my daughter was diagnosed almost 10 yrs ago my Dad said to me when I was explaining it 2 him"oh I hope they don't think I have that "

Anonymous said...

If my son is attracted to ANYONE I'll be thrilled for him. Never thought he'd really "care" for someone the way we do. If it's another Aspie, so what. Fear of the "unknown" is true to all of us and it shouldn't prevent us from taking steps of faith be it marriage, children, job, college, etc. Just a strong opinion from the mom of a 12 year old Aspie.

Anonymous said...

Since my sons diagnosis I now understand a lot more about othe members of my family. It has been eye opening!

Anonymous said...

awfully sorry, I'm french and don't speak english very well :( but this is the story of my life!My son is an high functionning autistic boy, my husband and I have a lot of "traits" (I think I'm Asperger, but a 32 year old woman can't recibe a diagnosis here in France, unfortunatelly, nobody knows about autism here, it's a big problem), and all our real friends have also a lot of Asperger traits (tey are all good people, so)

Anonymous said...

I was diagnosed with Aspergers after my son. I said that it was like a light was turned on that explained my whole life! What a relief! =)

Anonymous said...

my 4 year old had been diagnosed Aspergers and the one child in nursery that she played with is now being assesed for same condition so i think this is true. Also though im not diagnosed is see so much of my childhood problems in my daughter so maybe i am too .

Anonymous said...

My 5 year old has Aspergers and the journey of diagnosis has led me to look at my husband and his family. Initially I blamed him, he has strong traits of it and it has affected our marriage. He has a great niece diagnosed with AS but I see other family members with signs. However, I am very intelligent and do have some "stand-off-ish" qualities but I get non-verbal communication, walked when I was 9 mos old, very coordinated and good at sports. I have a hard time thinking I contributed, but perhaps so. This is irrelevant though. "It is what it is", as my Husband would say. My son is reading at a second grade level, has an incredible memory, can do simple math in his head. Asperger's has it's challenges but it's also a gift. I would not want my son to be any different, I love him beyond all description.

Anonymous said...

I feel like my son's father has AS but he refuses to admit it.

Anonymous said...

I have a 10 year old son with ADHD and aspergers he lives with me and his step dad and sees his bio dad for one overnight visit a month and a 4 hour visit a couple weeks later, I believe his father as has aspergers which after being married to him for almost 10 years I couldnt handle it anymore and we divorced..anyways.. my sons father stepped out his life from Nov-March..nothing for christmas or his birthday skipped all visits no phone calls. With his father out of the picture we were able to get my son on a routine and he was almost perfect we were able to stop the anxiety and sleeping meds, he even started putting himself to bed on his own and sleeping all night. The last two months his dad has been coming for his visits and this last weekend his had his overnight visit and my son came back very wild like hadnt received his ADHD meds (which has been a problem with his dad), he's not listening to us, he's talking back, not sleeping at night and being mean to his sister then lie about when we see him being mean ...does anyone else have this problem? This use to be a problem everytime he came back from his dads house for the first 3 days...its hard for us because we me made a lot of progress for it to all be wiped away on a 30 hour visit....any sugguestions for how to handle him and my ex husband?

LC said...

Maybe you can get a court to order him to give the meds and if he doesn't you can have visits revoked. Good luck.

Kallya of Random Death said...

I use to call it the Riemers gene. (Family name on my dad side ) I knew we tended to be different and many on that side don't quite fit in with society. It wasn't until my mud forties I learned it was autism. So yeah it definitely runs in the family).

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