
Showing posts from July, 2010

Outcome Research in Aspergers

Outcome studies in Asperger Syndrome (AS), although limited in number, can be far-reaching in impact. Results yielded from this kind of investigation hold value for all of those involved with the youngster with ASPERGERS, whether in the role of mother/father, clinician, or researcher. When the core features have been recognized and an appropriate diagnosis of ASPERGERS has been made by the clinician, moms and dads may receive this information with a mixture of relief (this classification closely captures many aspects of their experience of their youngster) and distress (clearly this is a fairly severe disorder). More than this however, they are burdened with a singular question, often stated: “We recognize that each youngster is different, but what can we expect for our son's future?” Adding to the clinician's own experience, outcome studies may provide useful findings with regard to positive prognosticators and long-term adaptation to everyday life. This information may

Ways to Stop Aggressive Behavior in Aspergers Children

Question Is there a way to stop aggressive behavior when a young child with Aspergers is in the middle of a meltdown? Answer It is not uncommon for kids with Aspergers (high-functioning autism) to become aggressive. Aspergers causes a youngster to struggle to understand how their behaviors affect other kids. The many symptoms and characteristics of the disorder can cause extreme frustration. This frustration can lead to anxiety, depression, anger, and aggressive behavior.  Here are a few specific reasons for aggressive meltdowns: Change of routine: Inability to handle unexpected changes in the daily schedule, such as a substitute teacher or a cancelled class period Communication problems: Inability to recognize humor, sarcasm, or slang during conversations with peers Sensory issues: Inability to handle the discomfort in the environment due to sights, sounds, smells, or other sensory dysfunction Social struggles: Inability to understand social cues and gestures

How can I deal with transition between schools for my son with Asperger Syndrome?

Question How can I deal with transition between schools for my son with Asperger Syndrome? Answer For kids with Aspergers (high-functioning autism), transition between schools will evoke a wide range of negative emotions. Change is difficult for these kids, and when a new school year rolls around, everything changes. New classmates, new teachers, and new schedules can cause major anxiety, which can spiral to depression. Dealing with the Aspergers transition problems can also affect your youngster’s home life. Anxiety brought about at school will carry over at home causing disruption. Anger and frustration can escalate, triggering meltdowns. While the transition at school cannot be avoided, there are things a parent can do to lessen the effects of all the change that comes with moving to a new school.   Here are some tips to help you deal with this unstable period in your youngster’s life: Plan ahead— Begin planning for the Aspergers transition phase w


KEY CONCEPTS: 1. Aspergers kids and teens are often described by their parents as being bright but clueless. 2. Kids with Aspergers often score well within the normal range on standardized tests typically used by schools to evaluate students. These tests usually do not test for social skills. 3. It is often helpful for parents to think of themselves as coaches for their kids. 4. Children/teens with Aspergers can have wide ranges of strengths and weaknesses which can puzzle and frustrate parents and educators. For example, since he can program a computer, why can’t he write a book report? 5. Persons with social-cognitive deficits still desire successful social relationships and companionship. Do not assume that they don’t want to have friends. 6. Poor parenting or role modeling does not cause Aspergers. INTERVENTIONS: 1. An activity notebook: These can be used to document all the activities in a given day. Then parents and youngster together can plan

Online Resources for Parents with Aspergers Children

--> ·          If you want a list of books and videos about Aspergers, try: ·          If you want to buy computer software that helps children with Aspergers, try:   ·          If you want to find a professional clinician in your area, go to: ·          If you want to find a summer camp or boarding school program for kids with Aspergers, try: (middle school females) Helpful Websites: ·          A Directory for Aspergers: Support Groups and Organizations This website is a great place to start your search for local, national and international organizations and support groups as well as to get more information. There are over 200 websites featured here; however, many are more abou

Aspergers: A Clinical Account

=====> The many patterns of abnormal behavior that cause diagnostic confusion include one originally described by the Austrian psychiatrist, Hans Asperger (1944, 1968, 1979). The name he chose for this pattern was 'autistic psychopathy' using the latter word in the technical sense of an abnormality of personality. This has led to misunderstanding because of the popular tendency to equate psychopathy with sociopathic behavior. For this reason, the neutral term Aspergers is to be preferred and will be used here... Not long before Asperger' s original paper on this subject appeared in 1944, Kanner (1943) published his first account of the disorder he called early infantile autism. The two conditions are, in many ways, similar, and the argument still continues as to whether they are varieties of the same underlying abnormality or are separate entities. Whereas Kanner's work is widely known internationally, Aspergers contribution is considerably less familiar outside